Investing in the musical life and legacy of Philadelphia

Member Spotlight: Anne Silvers Lee

August 19, 2024

About Anne:
Anne Silvers Lee was formerly head of the Materials Management (Collections) Division for the Free Library of Philadelphia system. She took piano lessons when she was in grade school, and again as an adult, and is a much better audience member as a result. She enjoys all kinds of music, and especially loves the challenge of listening to contemporary music, particularly new chamber pieces and operas.  She serves on the board of Network for New Music and was its board chair for the past three years.  Her husband Wynn’s 50th anniversary gift to her was funding to commission a new work of music. She selected Vivian Fung who wrote “Ominous Machine II” for percussion and piano, premiered by Network for New Music in 2023.Anne also volunteers for Friends of the Wissahickon and is active in her West Mt. Airy neighborhood. Previously, she was a board member and treasurer of Northwest Village Network, part of the national “village” movement that encourages seniors to stay active, independent and involved. She also served on the board and as treasurer of Bartram’s Garden in West Philadelphia.

Anne feels so lucky to live in Philadelphia, with its wide range of music and cultural opportunities too numerous to count.  “From classical to jazz to world music to hip hop to…, it’s all here,” says Anne. “You could literally be out every evening (and sometimes we are) listening or watching something terrific!”

Why MFS is important to Anne:
Soon after moving to Philadelphia 30 years ago,  Anne began enjoying PCMS’s Musical Fund Society community concerts, with their affordable ticket fees. She applauds how MFS uses its resources to support other music organizations to achieve their respective missions, including Network for New Music, which will commemorate its upcoming 40th anniversary with micro-commissions from 40 composers, supported by a grant from MFS.Anne says, “It’s exciting that MFS, which began in 1820, continues to thrive and seek new ways to challenge itself along with its well-established work of championing artists and arts organizations!”